Monday, 9 December 2019

The Salmon Pastures DI-DO.

Here it is in all it's glory [loud fanfare of slightly out of key trumpets]
"The Salmon Pastures DI-DO"

A stunning little train and all part of our slavish adherence to accuracy!!

The workers chosen mode of transport in the 1930's & a trend started by our colleague's at Annesley to assist getting all the workers in on time and then after a hard days shedding getting them all home again,,, the thing was of course is that the workers had no real control over what time the train would leave,,, clever,,, an early 20th century twist on "flexitime".

Why did they call it the DI-DO you may well ask,,, Day In - Day Out,,, 365 days a year.
Now down here on the pastures we offer even more than they ever did in Nottinghamshire,,, we give them "Lunch" as well.

We were going to rename it to suitably reflect this vastly improved service but in the interests of accuracy thought we had better leave it as it was,,, plus in these enlightened times we certainly do not want to offend any sensibilities.

Crickey, STOP PRESS,,, I think I can see this winters first flakes of snow.

If I am not mistaken the coach is a pre-production model of a quite exotic and soon to be released  range of MUlti-PurPosE TrainS coming shortly to a very serious dealer near you.

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