Sunday, 15 December 2019

Oh Happy Days,,, will we meet the Cod Army???

After our lengthy break & the serious bit of revamping, de-snailing and muscle building I am very pleased to announce that we have been invited to our first exhibition,,[fanfare of in key Souza Phones giving Gottedamerung some serious wellie],,,and as it is in May 2021 we should even be ready.

Can you guess where it is???

Will we have to discourage the tram from mating???

Can we have a group photo taken in front of a surviving concrete coaling tower???

If I knew how to produce one of those digital clock/days time counting the days to go type things then believe me I would include one but right now I am just far too busy,,, but it is about 18 months give or take a few days.

Busy,,, you 've never seen anything like it,,, The Des-Rev is already dusting off his top hat,, and is even talking about having his Pith Helmet Blanco'd and khaki shorts debagged just in case there is a high tide.

There is definite excitement in the camp,,,it must be something in the water,,,, watch this space and we will inform you  of any progress,,, shortcomings or cat-as-trophes.
[Now where did I put my Road Atlas driving gloves and anti-squitter lotion???]

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