Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Would you believe it!!!

 In an attempt to keep various factions of the Pastures supporters group happy I offer a pictorial diary of the rebuild of the D21.[stop complaining,,, it only took 5 years,,, I'm in no rush] 

This is how it came,,, I thought it a bargain as it had a set of Romford wheels attached,,, WRONG,,, none of them were useable,, not round,, different spokes, and 2 bent.

After swimming in a bath of Nitromors for a few days it looked like this,,, I won't comment on what this evil potion doe's to glue and I know what it looks like but I won't mention that here as it may put you off your dinner. YUK

The "bargain" tag bit me on the posterior more than once,,, the loco was a D21 [roughly] but the tender bore no resemblance to anything of N.E.R. origin,, so one Isinglass drawing was purchased and we set about turning whatever it was into something that may just resemble something that sat behind a D21,,, I spent about twice as much time bashing the tender than I did the loco,,, and whoever had it first certainly knew how to bash whitemetal about.

It's a shame I have to paint it really,,,more of a comment on my painting skills than ability as a tin basher.

And there it is in all it's glory,,, needless to say it still isn't finished as I have the other side to line out but after getting this far I'm convinced my eye's are the wrong shape for lining!!

I hope the late Mr Worsdell is happy with the end result,,, but please don't mention to him that I have no intention of doing another one.

However since starting on the project I have become rather interested in loco's of the N.E.R. and have even bought a book on the same subject,, now that's serious,,, and we now have the following Geordie visitors to the pasture's,, D21 Q6, Q7, and a J26,,, I think some of the attraction is that Worsdell could successfully fit an O gauge boiler onto a 00 gauge chassis,,, in short my sort of engineer.

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