It has to be said there have been some MOMENTUS happenings over the last few days:
7 Planets could all be seen at the same time,,, 3 of them were in danger of colliding from where I was standing.
President Trump has proved what a lof of us have been thinking since around 2016.
UK Politicians and a lot of the European Hierarchy have actually been talking sense for a change. Crikey,, who ever would have thought it!!!
Well if that is not MOMENTUS enough for you then can I advise that we have been invited to 2 more exhibitions,,, YES really,,, Covid has a lot to answer for but the most contentious gripe/issue for everyone on the Pastures is the destruction of the exhibition scene.
Wroxham Norfolk in May for the Broadland Model Railway Club show.
Reepham & Whitwell [Norfolk again] a 2 day show for the 200th Anniversary Gala bash for the start of steam railway reaching Reepham in 1825.
You've probably noticed that I haven't been posting for some time,,, there's no excuses,,, I haven't been doing a lot on the modelling front,,, apart from a few more locomotives,,,, I will offer updates on those when I can remember how my digi camera works on close-ups,,,,, where's Hasselbad Davies when you need him??.
But the posts are about to start arriving again thick and fast and hopefully showing the progress we have to make before we tread the boards again in just 3 months time.
If you have never been or heard of Reepham then you don't know what your missing,,, they have a lovely live steam layout in a 12"to 1 foot scale,,, the station buildings are still in tact and have been beautifully restored and the Platform Cafe is wonderful,,, especially the coffee and walnut cake,, I know co's I've had some.
Reepham is one of those typically beautiful Norfolk places that most people have never heard of,,, but you have now,,, why not come and have a look,,,, in September for the 200th Steam Gala!!!
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