Monday, 10 March 2025

The Salmon Pasture's Delivery Elephant,,, Lizzie Ward



Anyone who has read the full diatribe related to our Delivery Elephant,,, will know how popular she is at exhibitions,,, if you don't know can I suggest the following reads which covers this situation nicely:

1, Salmon Pastures Blog of 25th Feb 2015.  Title:   Lizzie Ward a severe case of elephantitus

2, Salmon Pastures Blog of 22nd July 2014. Title:   T'hat's the way to do it.

Anyway doing further research at the Pastures library recently I discovered that TWW Wards not only seconded elephants from a circus to work in the steelworks but they also had a couple of camels,,, [ I know you just can't make it up],,, and to prove the point take a look at this.

Now my research also led me to discover that when the camels arrived Lizzie was less than impressed and had a mammoth hissy fit,,, in fact it is rumoured that she really did take the hump!! and the end result was she downed tools,,, refused to co-operate,, & pleaded insanity by pretending she was a bird!!

This leaves me with a heart felt question which needs to be answered as quickly as possible.


PS:  By the way,,, Happy New Year to all our reader.


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