Hello Sunshines!!!!! [now you know I'm extracting the wee-wee]
I have just been reminded by a person very close to a force of immense power, that, it is rapidly approaching 2 years since I made a worthwhile entry on the blog.
Don't time fly!!!
Now here's an interesting fact about blogging,,,, the last time I looked at the blog which was some time ago I'm sure I had about 5 or 6 disciples [& very welcome they are too],,,, I completely ignore it for a bit [approx 18 months] and the followers jump up to double figures,,, believe me I'm going to do more of this ignoring stuff as it seems to work quite well as a recruitment aid for an international blogger,,,, not to mention "who are all these people????"
You are probably all sitting there wondering what is happening in the sunny isle of Malta,,,, and the answer is I don't know as we are back in Norfolk!!!! to cut a long story short when it dawned on us that the weather was warmer here on the Norf Norfick Cust we thought knickers to all this,, deflated the LiLo,, scraped off the factor 30,,, got the anti-brexit jabs and booked ourselves back.
It didn't work,,, lovely people,, lovely place,, especially for a holiday but quite simply not for us.
Having said that after endlessly watching that national institution of ours the "Auntie Beeb",, its as though we have never been away,,, they are still banging on about our relationship with our continental allies,,, the american stand-up/president and now the end of the world is nigh due to the great orb in the sky!!!! THE SUN.
Now I hate to mention this,,, but,,, "THE WORLD WILL NOT END" due to temperatures approaching 100 degs,,, some time ago I lived with my family in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia and occasionally it was 100 degs there in autumn and spring,,,, in summer it regularly got to 110+ and if you had decidedly strong masochistic tendency's [ & who hasn't!!!] you could jump into a Suzuki jeep and trundle off out into the desert and cook an egg in tinfoil on the bonnet of the car,, just for fun,, it took about 15 minutes but you could do it,, now lets be realistic that was a tad warm,, but great fun,, and another point worth considering was,,, I remember a great roof party in Jeddah because for the first time in over 2 years it rained!!! we were all leaping about in it like kids at a kindergarten,,, in fact I still have the red wellies,, here in UK we get to Regulo 2 and it's OMG,, close the curtains,,, shut the windows,,, drink 15 pints a day,,,[no change there then] and look after the elderly,,, these day's I AM THE BLOOMIN ELDERLY,,, and it just is NOT THAT HOT,,, it's sunshine not a small thermo nuclear device that's been dropped from beneath a Mig29.
You know I feel much much better after a bit of spontaneous blogging,,, it's good for the sole,, and that pair definitely needs repairing.
Don't ask me about what's happening on the modelling front,,, NOTALOT,,, but when I finish trawling through Mr Rice's book on Cameo layouts you might be in for a shock,,, I really fancy,, small,, GWR,, cows,, fields,, 3 trains a month,, pristine stock,, larks,, swifts,, babbling brooks,,,
HA HA get real,,, that Salmon Pastures fella has been in the sun too long!!!! Dont be Greedy.
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