Sunday, 6 November 2022

You don't have to be mad,,,, but,,,, it certainly helps.


A recent report published by the British Medical Journal advised that various recent "polls" [or should that be "poles" ] had concluded that living in UK over the past 10>12 years had seen a dramatic rise in the number of suicides and felt honour bound to advise all it's readers that committing suicide can seriously affect your health!!!

Do they really need to spend 5 years at Uni before coming out with such momentus insights,,, come on,,, even I, with my semi-addled brain remember the:

Financial crash 

Tory Lib Dem coalition

Austerity,,, [made a lovely 0-6-0 saddle tank]"


Jousting with Bruxelles,, [I've been and I know how to spell it properly]

Covid's 1, 2, and 3

Boris,, closely followed by Trussonomics,,,

and now just to round the square off we can all enjoy some "Politically Induced Poverty" just to keep our minds of it whilst we all go completely bonkers. 

Suicide,, I considered it myself once but the date of choice clashed with an appointment at the hairdresser's so I gave it a miss,,, and I'm glad I did,, co's soon after I rediscovered railway modelling and just look at what I have been up to recently.

Yes the L1 has fought it's way through the cobwebs and is now being fitted with a new cab roof!!!

Yes,, you guessed it,, the caravan season is over and I am back at it in a rapidly cooling garage.

Still no exhibition's to report on,,, perhaps I should add that to the above list!!

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