Thursday, 17 September 2015

Winters Coming!!!!

Well here we go again for another session of freezing sheds,,,, niagra noses,,, and being temperature controlled fun,,, this year I'm playing hard to get so have started while it is still relatively comfortable in't shed.

Now what we have here is the basic bones of the L1 Zeppelin / Crab chassis.

I've decided life's too short to be messing about with the monster motor in the bunker and drives shafts etc etc,, I did play with it and ended up with a VERY unbalanced chassis,,, which is not a good starting point for something I want to run nicely,,, so I apologise for wasting all your time but I have taken the easy option and thrown a Portescap RG4 into the big hole in the chassis and,, toot sweet,, voila,, Roberts your relative,,, half an hour later I had wheels spinning round at amazing speed.

Thats the technical bit sorted all I have to do now is throw a body together and we have one of my favourite Monster Tanks to grace the pastures.

We had a great time last Sunday the Potter Heigham finescale group all crammed into the car and we shot off to see Grantham at Grantham [there's a terrible echo in here] on it's first full show to the public,,,, it's going to be lovely,,, 35 odd feet of fiddle yard and some serious modelling of Grantham station,,, can't fail really,,, nice prototype,, a proper railway to base it on and some serious modellers pulling the strings,,, one to watch for sure.

I hope I've got time for a quick rant while I'm here,,, have you noticed that the news programmes and Blue Peter are merging together,,,, not only do they have to go to the dairy,, the farm,, the garage,, the shop,, the whatever,, and report on the latest development BUT they can't just tell us about the particular problem they have to get dressed up and have a GO,,,welding,, making liquorice sticks,,, putting sod off down the middle of a stick of rock,,, milking the goats,,, you name it they have to have a go,,, give it a rest will yer,,, you like a right pillock in that apron and the dayglo hairnet just is not you,,,, read the news then bugger off,,, for me that really will do.
I really am turning into the old man,,, bloody kids,,,,

Oh and by the way before I forget,,, I'm afraid we will not be at the Chelmsford show next month,,, it's a long story which I won't bore you with but let's just say it wasn't to be. I hope you don't miss us too much,,, there will be another one but I can't remember where or when,,, but don't worry I will and will post it at the top of the page as normal.

Night Night